Wandelgids North Downs Way Map Booklet - Cicerone

208 km over de North Downs Way - tussen Farnham en Dover
Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 7 juli 2017
Auteur(s): Kevin Renolds

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Wandelgids - North Downs Way - Map Booklet - Cicerone Productomschrijving: Kaart van de 208km, over de North Downs Way National Trail, tussen Farnham en Dover, met inbegrip van een optioneel...

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  • Uitgever: CICERONE Press
  • ISBN-13: 9781852849559
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Auteur: Kevin Renolds
  • Regio: Dover, England, Farnham, Engeland, Kent South East England, South & South East England, Surrey South England
  • Land: England
  • Lange afstand wandelroutes: North Downs Way (246 km)
  • AONB - Area of Outstanding Beauty: Kent Downs AONB, Surrey Hills AONB
  • Blz.: 96
  • Schaal: 1:25000
  • Afmeting: 12x17
  • Editie: 1
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Wandelgids - North Downs Way - Map Booklet - Cicerone

Productomschrijving: Kaart van de 208km, over de North Downs Way National Trail, tussen Farnham en Dover, met inbegrip van een optioneel bezoek aan Canterbury. Dit boekje is opgenomen in de Cicerone gids en toont het volledige parcours op OS 1: 25.000 kaarten. Een van de eenvoudigere nationale routes, dat comfortabel kan worden gelopen in 11-12 dagen.

Product decription: Map of the 130 mile (208km) North Downs Way National Trail, between Farnham and Dover, including an optional visit to Canterbury. This booklet is included with the Cicerone guidebook to the trail and shows the full route on OS 1:25,000 maps. One of the easier National Trails, it can be comfortably walked in 11-12 days.

The North Downs Way can be walked at any time of the year, but is seen at its best between April and October.
Beginning in Farnham, the North Downs Way passes close to or through Guildford, Otford, Wrotham, Detling, Charing, Wye, Chilham, Canterbury and Patrixbourne and ends in Dover.
Despite some reasonably short steep ascents and descents, the North Downs Way is one of the more gentle of National Trails and is suitable for first-time long-distance walkers.
Must See:
Passing through the Surrey and Kent Downs Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the North Downs Way crosses Box Hill, visits Neolithic sites like the Coldrum Stones and Kits Coty House, passes below the remains of Thurnham Castle, visits Canterbury Cathedral and Dover Castle, and wanders across Shakespeare Cliff, one of the White Cliffs of Dover.

North Downs Way - Map Booklet (9781852849559) Cicerone

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