Wandelkaart 226 Joshua Tree NP - California - Nat Geo

Een prachtig gebied tussen Los Angeles en San Diego
Door: National Geographic – Gepubliceerd: 1 december 2019

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TOPO Wandelkaart 226 - Joshua Tree NP- California - Nat Geo Productomschrijving: Het Joshua Tree National Park is een nationaal park in het zuiden van de staat Californië in de Verenigde Sta...

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National Geographic
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  • Uitgever: National Geographic
  • ISBN-13: 9781566953009
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Regio: Californië, USA
  • Land: Verenigde Staten van Amerika (USA)
  • Nationale parken: Joshua Tree NP, California USA
  • Schaal: 1:80000
  • Afmeting: 10x19
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

TOPO Wandelkaart 226 - Joshua Tree NP- California - Nat Geo

Productomschrijving: Het Joshua Tree National Park is een nationaal park in het zuiden van de staat Californië in de Verenigde Staten, ten oosten van het gebied tussen Los Angeles en San Diego en ten noorden van Palm Springs. De afmetingen zijn ongeveer 100 km van oost naar west, en 50 km van noord naar zuid. 

Engelse omschrijving: The two distinct ecosystems of the Colorado Desert and the Mojave Desert meet in southeastern California in the Joshua Tree National Park. National Geographic's Trails Illustrated map of the park delivers unmatched detail and valuable information to assist you in your exploration of this fascinating land of surreal geologic features shaped by strong winds, unpredictable torrents of rain, and climatic extremes. Created in partnership with local land management agencies, this expertly researched map features key areas of interest including Black Rock Canyon, Lost Horse Valley, Indian Cove, Cottonwood, Chuckwalla Valley, and the Pinto Mountains.

With miles of clearly marked trails that include mileages between intersections, this map will prove invaluable in your exploration of the park. The map base includes contour lines and elevations for summits and passes. Interesting information about the park, regulations, and safety tips are included as well. Recreation features are clearly marked, including interpretive trails, campgrounds, picnic areas, points of interest, horse camps, and more. Every Trails Illustrated map is printed on "Backcountry Tough" waterproof, tear-resistant paper. A full UTM grid is printed on the map to aid with GPS navigation.

Other features found on this map include: Cadiz Valley, Cathedral City, Coachella Valley, Coxcomb Mountains, Eagle Mountains, Hayfield Lake, Indio, Joshua Tree National Park, Little San Bernardino Mountains, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Twentynine Palms, Yucca Valley.

TOPO Wandelkaart 226 - Joshua Tree NP- California - Nat Geo

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