Wandelkaart 1304 Colorado Backpack Loops- Noord - Natgeo

12 Verkozen wandelroutes in Colorado
Door: National Geographic – Gepubliceerd: 1 februari 2018

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TOPO Wandelkaart 1304 - Colorado Backpack Loops- Noord - Natgeo Productomschrijving: Colorado is gelend voor zijn outdoor recreatrieve opportuniteiten. Eén van deze bezigheden is uiteraard b...

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National Geographic
€ 15,95
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  • Uitgever: National Geographic
  • ISBN-13: 9781566957557
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Regio: Colorado, USA
  • Land: Verenigde Staten van Amerika (USA)
  • Blz.: 36
  • Schaal: 1:63360
  • Afmeting: 10x19, 11x24
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

TOPO Wandelkaart 1304 - Colorado Backpack Loops- Noord - Natgeo

Productomschrijving: Colorado is gelend voor zijn outdoor recreatrieve opportuniteiten. Eén van deze bezigheden is uiteraard backcountry & hiking. De Colorado Backpack Loops North Topographic Map Guide omavt de dozijn aan cirkelvormige wandelroutes geselecteerd door het personeel van National Geographic voor hun diversiteit, hun afgelegenheden, en inspirerende plaatsen van hystorisch belang. Elke route ligt tussen 8 en 25 miles met hoogtes tussen de 2,000 en 7,000 feet. (1500 tot 2500 meter)

Engelse omschrijving: Colorado is renowned for its outdoor recreational opportunities. One of these pastimes is, of course, backcountry hiking. The Colorado Backpack Loops North Topographic Map Guide covers a dozen backpack loops selected by National Geographic staff for their diversity, remoteness, and inspiring vistas. Each page of the Topographic Map Guide includes a detailed map of the trail with directions to the trailhead from the nearest major town as well as a trail profile with mileages to foreshadow the elevation changes that will be met along the way. GPS coordinates are also provided for strategic points along the trail to help with navigation.

The trails are organized by the number of nights backpackers can expect to be in the backcountry, from one to more than three. They range from 8 to 25 miles long with elevation gains from 2,000 to over 7,000 feet. Written descriptions of each trail give an overview of the natural features that will be encountered along the way as well as the length, total elevation gain, and nearest town to each trailhead. This Topographic Map Guide will get you into the wild lands of northern Colorado that most hikers in the country can only dream about.

TOPO Wandelkaart 1304 - Colorado Backpack Loops- Noord - Natgeo


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