Wandelkaart 1302 Colorado 14'ers- Noord - Nat geo

14 Van de meest indrukwekkende bergmassieven in Colorado
Door: National Geographic – Gepubliceerd: 17 mei 2017

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TOPO Wandelkaart 1302 - Colorado 14'ers- Noord - Natgeo Productomschrijving: De Colorado 14'ers bestaat uit 14 van de meest indrukwekkende bergmassieven in Colorado, verdeeld over drie versc...

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National Geographic
€ 15,95
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  • Uitgever: National Geographic
  • ISBN-13: 9781566956994
  • Regio: Colorado, USA
  • Land: Verenigde Staten van Amerika (USA)
  • Blz.: 48
  • Schaal: 1:63360
  • Afmeting: 10x19, 11x24
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

TOPO Wandelkaart 1302 - Colorado 14'ers- Noord - Natgeo

Productomschrijving: De Colorado 14'ers bestaat uit 14 van de meest indrukwekkende bergmassieven in Colorado, verdeeld over drie verschillende regio's als Front Range, Momsquito Tenmile Ranges en de Sawatch Range. een indrukwekkende locatie om te gaan trekken uiteraard.

Front Range: Mount Bierstadt, Mount Evans, Grays Peak, Longs Peak, Pikes Peak, Torreys Peak
Mosquito, Tenmile Ranges: Tenmile Ranges: Mount Bross, Mount Cameron*, Mount Democrat, Mount Lincoln, Quandary Peak, Mount Sherman
Sawatch Range: Mount Antero, Mount Belford, Mount Columbia, Mount Elbert, Mount Harvard, Mt of the Holy Cross, Huron Peak, La Plata Peak, Mount Massive, Missouri Mountain, Mount Oxford, Mount Princeton, Mount Shavano, Tabeguache Peak, Mount Yale

Engelse omschrijving: Colorado has the highest mean elevation of any state in the United States. It's home to 58 mountain peaks higher than 14,000 feet—more than any other state in the U.S—making it a mountain sports mecca. "Bagging" these fourteeners is a goal for many Coloradans and visitors to the state—and for some, it's an obsession.

The Colorado 14ers North Topographic Map Guide provides the most accurate and convenient set of maps for the fourteeners of the Front, Mosquito, Tenmile, and Sawatch ranges of northern Colorado. Almost half of Colorado's fourteeners fall in these ranges, but their proximity to large population centers leave no shortage of hikers on their slopes. Moderate ridges, established trails, and accessible trailheads are the norm on the standard routes, making many of these peaks relatively easy to climb.

However, it's important to note that these seemingly gentle giants also have their rugged side—including the north face of Mount Evans, the amphitheater north of Mount Democrat, Ellingwood Ridge on La Plata Peak, and the sheer east face of Longs Peak—placing them among the most challenging alpine experiences in the United States. More convenient and easier to use than folded maps, but just as compact and lightweight, National Geographic's Topographic Map Guide booklets are printed on "Backcountry Tough" waterproof, tear-resistant paper with stainless steel staples. 

TOPO Wandelkaart 1302 - Colorado 14'ers- Noord - Natgeo

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