Wandelgids The Two Moors Way - Cicerone

Two Moors Way beslaat 153 km van Ivybridge naar Lynmouth
Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 22 februari 2019
Auteur(s): Sue Viccars

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Wandelgids, The Two Moors Way (9781852849917) Cicerone Press Productomschrijving: De oorspronkelijke Two Moors Way beslaat 153 km van Ivybridge aan de zuidelijke grens van Dartmoor National ...

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€ 21,95
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  • Uitgever: CICERONE Press
  • ISBN-13: 9781852849917
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Auteur: Sue Viccars
  • Regio: Devon, England
  • Land: England
  • Lange afstand wandelroutes: The Two Moors Way, England (153 km)
  • Nationale parken: Dartmoor NP, Devon England, Exmoor NP, Devon England
  • Blz.: 216
  • Afmeting: 12x17
  • Editie: 2
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Wandelgids, The Two Moors Way (9781852849917) Cicerone Press

Productomschrijving: De oorspronkelijke Two Moors Way beslaat 153 km van Ivybridge aan de zuidelijke grens van Dartmoor National Park naar Lynmouth aan de kust van Noord-Devon in Exmoor National Park. Als u een Coast to Coast-wandeling wilt maken, kunt u beginnen bij Wembury aan de kust van Zuid-Devon en de Erme-Plym-route volgen naar Ivybridge, waarbij u ongeveer 15 mijl toevoegt.

Product description: This guidebook to walking Coast to Coast across Devon, presents a 117 mile route incorporating the Two Moors Way and a section of the Erme-Plym Trail. Beginning at Wembury Bay on the south coast and finishing at Lynmouth, the 11-stage walk passes through the beautiful Devon countryside and across two of southwest England’s magnificent moorlands, Dartmoor and Exmoor. The schedule can be adjusted to give a one-week walk, or a more leisurely pace if preferred, and the book includes low-level bad-weather alternative routes for some moorland stretches.

A full route description is given for walking the route from south to north, with a summary description for walking in the opposite direction. 1:50,000 map extracts show the route and there is lots of practical information on public transport, refreshments and accommodation to make day-by-day planning simple. A map booklet showing the full route on OS 1:25K maps is included with this guide. The county of Devon incorporates a wonderful range of landscapes, from the rolling fields of South Devon and the narrow-hedged lanes of Mid Devon to the wild, wide-open spaces of Dartmoor, home to hill ponies, granite tors and Bronze Age relics. To the north, Exmoor’s sandstone moorland sweeps down to the sea, and lofty coastal hills tower over the Bristol Channel

Wandelgids - The Two Moors Way (9781852849917) Cicerone

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