Wandelgids Snowdonia Way National park - Cicerone

Snowdonia NP is een bergachtig gebied in Noord Wales
Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 2 februari 2017

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Wandelgids - Snowdonia Way National park - Cicerone Productomschrijving: Het Nationaal park Snowdonia is een bergachtig gebied in het noorden van Wales. Het park is genoemd naar Snowdon, en ...

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  • Uitgever: CICERONE Press
  • ISBN-13: 9781852848569
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Regio: North Wales
  • Land: Wales
  • Lange afstand wandelroutes: Snowdonia Way, Wales (122 miles)
  • Nationale parken: Snowdonia NP, Wales UK
  • Blz.: 176
  • Afmeting: 12x17
  • Editie: 1
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Wandelgids - Snowdonia Way National park - Cicerone

Productomschrijving: Het Nationaal park Snowdonia is een bergachtig gebied in het noorden van Wales. Het park is genoemd naar Snowdon, en is met 1085 meter de hoogste berg in Wales. De route is 97 miles lang en kan worden afgelegd in 6 etappes. De route loopt door het nationale park van Noord wales Snowdonia, en kan worden bestempeld als een schitterend mooi natuurpark vol speciale landschappen en natuurlijke kenmerken.

Product description: This guidebook describes the Snowdonia Way in Wales, a long-distance route through Snowdonia National Park from Machynlleth to Conwy. A low-level route of 97 miles (in 6 stages of between 13 and 21 miles) passes through the heart of Snowdonia’s stunning mountain scenery and includes Pass of Aberglaslyn, Ogwen Valley and Aber Falls. It is suitable for walkers of average fitness and stamina, though days are long. An alternative mountain route covers 122 miles in 9 stages of 12–18 miles giving a spectacular journey over the most famous peaks such as Cadair Idris, Snowdon and Glyders. The high-level route is more physically challenging and requires good navigation skills.

Both the main route and mountain route can be walked throughout the year, though in winter conditions the mountain route requires full winter mountaineering equipment.
Machynlleth, Abergynolwyn, Dolgellau, Trawsfynydd, Penrhyndeudraeth, Beddgelert, Pen-y-Pass, Dolwyddelan, Capel Curig, Bethesda.
Though the walking days are long, the main route is mostly easy to navigate and stays at a low level, only crossing passes when necessary. Walkers should be used to full days out. The mountain route requires good navigation and includes a considerable amount of ascent, sometimes with no path.
Must See:
Snowdon, Cadair Idris, The Glyders, Lake Trawsfynydd, The Ogwen Valley, The Vale of Ffestiniog, Aber Falls, The Pass of Aberglaslyn, The castles of Llewelyn the Great, The myth of King Arthur, Llyn Gwynant, Llyn Ogwen, Nantgwynant, Coed y Brenin, The Moelwyns, Moel Siabod, The Carneddau, Slate quarrying, Owain Glyndwr.

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