Wandelgids Ceredigion & Snowdonia coastal paths - Cicerone

Volg de Ceredigion Coast Path en Snowdonia Coast Path voor 233km
Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 9 april 2014
Auteur(s): John B Jones

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Wandelgids - Ceredigion & Snowdonia coastal paths - Cicerone Productomschrijving: Als onderdeel van het Wales Coast Path, traceren de Ceredigion Coast Path en het Snowdonia Coast Path een cu...

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  • Uitgever: CICERONE Press
  • ISBN-13: 9781852847388
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Auteur: John B Jones
  • Regio: North Wales
  • Land: Wales
  • Nationale parken: Snowdonia NP, Wales UK
  • Blz.: 176
  • Afmeting: 12x17
  • Editie: 1
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Wandelgids - Ceredigion & Snowdonia coastal paths - Cicerone

Productomschrijving: Als onderdeel van het Wales Coast Path, traceren de Ceredigion Coast Path en het Snowdonia Coast Path een curve van 233km (145 mijl) van kust- en binnenwaterwegen langs Cardigan Bay. Deze gids beschrijft een 16-fasige gids over de wandeling van Porthmadog aan St. Dogmaels die betrekking hebben op de trail tussen het Llyn-schiereiland en het Pembrokeshire Coast Path. In 16 dagstadia van Porthmadog St. Dogmaels, biedt deze gids alle wandelaars de nodige informatie.

Product description: As part of the Wales Coast Path, the Ceredigion Coast Path and Snowdonia Coast Path trace a curve of 233km (145 miles) of coastal and inland walking down Cardigan Bay. This guidebook describes a 16-stage guide to the walk from Porthmadog to St Dogmaels covering the trail between the Llyn Peninsula and the Pembrokeshire Coast Path. In 16 day stages from Porthmadog to St Dogmaels, this guidebook offers all the information walkers need to complete the 233km (145 miles) section of the Wales Coast Path that curve down Cardigan Bay, passing through a range of contrasting landscapes.

Technically, it is possible to trek this route at any time of the year. However, spring into summer tends to be the most favourable season for weather and also for the wild flowers. Early autumn can also be rewarding, especially for the quality of the light and autumnal colours.
The walk passes through a number of attractive settlements, from towns such as Aberystwyth to villages such as Llangrannog.
While many stretches of the Snowdonia Coast Path enable a fast walking pace, there are also some big climbs. The Ceredigian Coast Path is surprisingly challenging and a good level of fitness is required.
Must See:
The Snowdonia and Ceredigian Coast Paths, part of the Welsh Coast Path, run some 230kms down Cardigan Bay. The walk crosses fine sandy beaches, rugged cliffs, salt marshes and hill country. There are great coastal and inland views, fascinating geology and history, and wide varieties of plants and wildlife.

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