Reisgids New York secret - an unusual guide - Jonglez

Let Secret New York guide you around the unusual and unfamiliar
Door: Jonglez Publishing – Gepubliceerd: 1 oktober 2018
Auteur(s): T.M. Rives

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New York secret - an unusual guide - Jonglez Publishing Productinformation: Let Secret New York guide you around the unusual and unfamiliar. Step off the beaten track with this fascinating a...

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Jonglez Publishing
€ 18,95
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  • Uitgever: Jonglez Publishing
  • ISBN-13: 9782361952372
  • Activiteiten: Toerisme
  • Auteur: T.M. Rives
  • Regio: New York State, USA
  • Land: Verenigde Staten van Amerika (USA)
  • Blz.: 436
  • Afmeting: 11x19
  • Editie: 2
  • Taal: Engels
  • Reeks: An unusual Guide series, Jonglez, English series, Jonglez

Volledige omschrijving

New York secret - an unusual guide - Jonglez Publishing

Productinformation: Let Secret New York guide you around the unusual and unfamiliar. Step off the beaten track with this fascinating and unusual New York guide book and let our local experts show you the well-hidden treasures of this amazing city. Ideal for local inhabitants and curious travellers alike.

The places included in our guides are unusual and unfamiliar, allowing one to step off the beaten track. Now in it's third edition, Secret New York - An Unusual Guide features 200 secret and unusual locations. Inside Secret New York - An Unusual Guide : Admire an apocalyptic pillar in a church, relax in secret gardens, discover the New York version of the Sagrada Familia, visit a secret metro tunnel, contemplate an elephant electrocuted, find bullet impacts outside the Bank JP Morgan, observe the stars with a university telescope, find a statue of Lenin, fly your skirt in the same place as Marilyn Monroe, explore a room filled with earth, discover a gigantic Venetian palace above an old stable, visit an island whose independence was proclaimed from a canoe in 2004, discover the 'pig' of St.

Patrick's Cathedral, play scrabble with the signs of Queens, find out where is the last tooth of Washington, find the house who hides a metro mouth, locate a plaque in memory of an event of another dimension, have your bike or elephant blessed , go get inspected any natural quirk at an annual professional identification session ... Away from the crowds and cliches, New York always has surprises for those who know how to think outside the box. An indispensable guide for those who know how to wander off the beaten track.

Don't miss - Each chapter of this Secret New York An Unusual Guide travel guide book corresponds to a different neighbourhood of the city so that one can always find a hidden or secret place to discover. Perfectly planned walks - Make sure that you do not miss any Secret location, by discovering each one featured in this guide by planning a walking tour of each neighbourhood.

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