Fietskaart 14 Suffolk cycling map - Goldeneye

Regional Routes - Traffic-Free Family Routes/Trails
Door: Goldeneye – Gepubliceerd: 1 mei 2024

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Fietskaart Suffolk cycling map - Goldeneye Productomschrijving:  Kleine dorpen, prachtige landschappen, met grintwegen, en verkeersvrije wegen, dit is er ene voor de enthousisaste fietsers d...

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  • Uitgever: Goldeneye
  • ISBN-13: 9781859653050
  • Activiteiten: Fietsen / VTT / MTB
  • Regio: Suffolk East Anglia
  • Land: England
  • Schaal: 1:126720
  • Afmeting: 11x24
  • Editie: 6
  • Taal: Engels

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Fietskaart Suffolk cycling map - Goldeneye

Productomschrijving:  Kleine dorpen, prachtige landschappen, met grintwegen, en verkeersvrije wegen, dit is er ene voor de enthousisaste fietsers die van de natuur houden.

Engelse omschrijving: Suffolk must surely be one of the most charming counties to explore by bicycle. When Al Churcher delivered his routes to us we couldn’t keep him quiet such was his enthusiasm and wonder at Suffolk’s country lanes, byways and villages.

. 17 circular routes overprinted on map
. Traffic-Free Family Routes: Alton Water Circuit, Icknield Way, The King’s Forest Rides, Peddar’s Way, Rendlesham Cycle Trail.
. National Cycle Network Routes: NCN1, NCVN13, NCN51
. Regional Routes: 30 (Two Rivers Cycle Route) and 41 (Suffolk Coastal Cycle Route)

National Cycle Network (NCN)

The following NCN routes cross Suffolk:

NCN Route 1. Hull to Harwich. A 370-mile route, passing Cathedral cities, towns and villages through pastoral countryside.  This is the main north to south route through Suffolk, forming part of the Fakenham to Harwich cycle route. The route enters Suffolk from Essex at Stratford St Mary and passes through Hadleigh, around the north-west side of Ipswich, through Woodbridge and Halesworth, before entering Norfolk at Beccles.

NCN Route 13. This crosses Suffolk on a South to North axis via Sudbury to the pretty villages of Long Melford and Lavenham, to the market town of  Bury St Edmunds, up to Thetford, and on through the Breckland landscape to Fakenham in Norfolk.

NCN Route 51. This route forms part of the Oxford to Felixstowe Cycle Route. In Suffolk the route takes you from pebbled beaches to country parks, and from urban docks, to rural lanes. Twenty five percent is off-road. It enters Suffolk from Cambridgeshire, and crosses west to east, connecting Newmarket with Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket, Ipswich and Felixstowe

Regional Routes:

Regional Route/NCN 30. Known as the “Two Rivers Cycle Route” which runs along the Norfolk/Suffolk border from Lowestoft and Thetford, via Beccles and Diss. Regional Route 41 (Suffolk Coastal Cycle Route). This route combines with NCN Route 1 to form an 88-mile circular route. Starting north of Felixstowe travelling through Orford (via the Butley Ferry), Blaxhall and Bruisyard, then south to Woodbridge returning to Felixstowe via Waldringfield. This circular route is set within the Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Not illustrated on our map with RR41 to avoid confusion. But, follow NCN1 signs on this map.

Traffic-Free Family Routes/Trails

1. Alton Water Circuit.  An 8.5-mile circuit. There are two routes available, the easier (A) and more challenging (B). Café/Visitor Centre/Cycle Hire. (J10)

2. Icknield Way.  An ancient trackway crossing Southern England.  The best linear rides through Suffolk start from Icklingham, The King’s Forest (C4),  Euston (E3) and Lackford (C5).

3. The King’s Forest Rides. Two circular (mostly) off-road routes through forest, heathland and farmland.  13 miles.  Cycle link to Bury Station. (D4)

4. Peddar’s Way. A challenging 46-mile route, the origin whose name is obscure, links Knettishall Heath near Thetfordwith the coast at Holme. For the most part it follows the old Roman road built to restrain the rebellious Iceni tribe. Open to cyclists, walkers and horse riders.  (E1)

5. Rendlesham Cycle Trail. Two family trails start from the Forest Centre. The shorter trail, the Tang Trail, is about 6-miles. The longer, the F.I.D.O. Trail is 10-miles. The tracks are made up of gravel, grass, sand and tarmac.  Nearby, in Tunstall Forest, there’s a popular Mountain Bike area. (L/M8)

6. Thetford Forest Park Cycle Trails:  There are four waymarked routes: Green (family route), Blue Route, and the more challenging Red and Black routes.  It encompasses a wide scope of off-road riding with links to the Peddar’s Way.  Bike hire at the Forest High Lodge. (D3)

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