Wandelkaart 308 Tinos Egeïsche eilanden - Terrain Editions

Een gloednieuwe kaart voor het eerst in de geschiedenis
Door: Terrain Editions – Gepubliceerd: 10 mei 2023

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Korte omschrijving

Wandelkaart Tinos Egeïsche eilanden - Terrain Editions Productomschrijving: Het is de eerste keer dat de hele kustlijn van het eiland in kaart is gebracht. De cartografie is uitgevoerd met h...

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Terrain Editions
€ 10,95
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  • Uitgever: Terrain Editions
  • ISBN-13: 9786185160241
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Regio: Egeische eilanden, Griekenland, Griekse eilanden
  • Land: Griekenland
  • Schaal: 1:25000
  • Afmeting: 13x25
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Wandelkaart Tinos Egeïsche eilanden - Terrain Editions

Productomschrijving: Het is de eerste keer dat de hele kustlijn van het eiland in kaart is gebracht. De cartografie is uitgevoerd met het speciaal uitgeruste en bemande cartografische schip van TERRAIN. Dit betekent dat je alle stranden van het eiland kunt vinden, tot aan de kleinste inham! In feite zijn de speciale kenmerken van elk strand vastgelegd: of het zand- of kiezelstrand is, of het natuurlijke schaduw van bomen, water, een strandbar of georganiseerde watersporten heeft, of de zeebodem voor het strand zanderig of rotsachtig is (zodat je weet waar je moet anker


Engelse omschrijvingIt is the first time the island’s entire coastline is mapped. Cartography was done with TERRAIN’s specially equipped and staffed cartographic vessel. This means that you can locate all beaches of the island, down to the tiniest cove! In fact, the special features of every single beach are recorded: whether it is sandy or pebbled, whether it features natural tree shade, water, a beach bar or organized water sports, whether the seabed in front of the beach is sandy or rocky (so that you will know where to anchor).

It features the most complete road network. The dirt road approaching Lia beach, the dirt road going down to Aghios Sostis beach, and the dirt road leading to Kalogeros beach are just a few of the roads appearing on a map of Serifos for the first time. It also features more trails than any other map on the market. For example, take a look at the trails north of Kionia and you will understand what it’s all about! Tinos possibly features the biggest trail network in the Cycladic islands. Most trails, however, are not marked nor maintained, making the TERRAIN map of Tinos an indispensable tool for hikers. Recording the trails of Tinos was a month-long joint effort between 5 TERRAIN cartographers! The 9 most important trails of Tinos are described on the back of the map. Moreover, there are detailed descriptions of 9 trails on the back, including their total length in kilometers and the duration of the hike.

Rock climbing. This is the first map of Tinos featuring all bouldering crags, plus detailed information about sport climbing routes and sectors at the crag of Xombourgho. It indicates the boundaries of NATURA 2000 areas so that you will know which parts of the island are of special environmental interest and beauty – thus you can enjoy traveling through them, but also take care to protect them.

The whole island is shown in one piece. There is another map of Tinos on the market at a more detailed scale, but part of the island is cut out and appears in a separate box. With our map at its current scale, we can depict the whole island without ‘amputating’ it, while at the same time we do not compromise the clarity of information

Locatie op kaart

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