Wandelgids Walking the GR7 in Andalucia - Cicerone

Route loopt door de provincies Córdoba en Jaén - 711km
Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 2 november 2021
Auteur(s): Guy Hunter-Watts

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Wandelgids Walking the GR7 in Andalucia - Cicerone Productomschrijving: Met zijn witte zandstranden, dennenbossen, besneeuwde bergtoppen, traditionele dorpjes, weelderige rivierdalen en olij...

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  • Uitgever: CICERONE Press
  • ISBN-13: 9781852849955
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Auteur: Guy Hunter-Watts
  • Regio: Andalusië, Spanje
  • Land: Spanje
  • Blz.: 320, 328
  • Afmeting: 12x17
  • Editie: 3
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Wandelgids Walking the GR7 in Andalucia - Cicerone

Productomschrijving: Met zijn witte zandstranden, dennenbossen, besneeuwde bergtoppen, traditionele dorpjes, weelderige rivierdalen en olijfboomgaarden neemt de GR7 in Andalusië u mee op een reis door de geografisch meest gevarieerde regio van het Iberisch schiereiland.

Deze heerlijk gevarieerde route begint op het zuidelijkste puntje van Spanje in Tarifa, en slingert door de provincies Cádiz en Málaga alvorens zich op te splitsen. De noordelijke route loopt door de provincies Córdoba en Jaén (in totaal 711 km), terwijl de zuidelijke route door Almería en Granada loopt (720 km). De route doorkruist zeven prachtige natuurparken en het nationale park Sierra Nevada.


Engelse omschrijving: With its white sandy beaches, pine forests, snow-capped peaks, traditional villages, lush river valleys and olive groves, the GR7 in Andalucía takes you on a journey through the most geographically diverse region on the Iberian peninsula.

This wonderfully varied route starts at the southernmost tip of Spain at Tarifa, and meanders through the provinces of Cádiz and Málaga before dividing. The northern route heads through Córdoba and Jaén provinces (711km in total), whilst the southern route passes through Almería and Granada (720km). The route crosses seven stunning natural parks and the Sierra Nevada national park.

• The first guide to cover the whole of the GR7 in Andalucía.
• Detailed route description for around 60 days of walking, with options for creating shorter sections and days.
• Information on all the villages en route offering accommodation so that you can plan your own route.

The GR7 is one of Europe's longest GR long-distance routes, stretching from Tarifa, the southernmost town of continental Europe, through Spain, Andorra and France to Alsace. This guide presents the Andalucian section of the route, which offers well over 700km of fantastic walking through the diverse landscapes of one of Spain's most evocative regions. The route splits at the small village of Villanueva de Cauche, and the guide describes both the northern and southern variants. Although walking is on good footpaths, country tracks and, occasionally, minor roads, some of the stages are long and can involve considerable ascent, meaning that a good level of fitness is required. The full Andalucian GR7 takes well over a month to walk; however, the guide also includes suggestions for highlight sections that can be walked in a week or fortnight.

In addition to clear route description, mapping and elevation profiles, the guide provides background information on local history, plants and wildlife, and advice for planning your trip, such as when to go, what to take and where to stay.

The route showcases Andalucia's rich history and culture and varied landscapes, which include pine forests, semi-arid desert, snow-capped peaks, fertile plains, lush valleys, olive groves, cultivated terraces and hills of cork woodland. Historic towns and traditional whitewashed villages offer overnight accommodation and a chance to sample local cuisine.

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