Wandelgids Via Francigena - Part 1 - Canterbury-Lausanne

Canterbury to Lausanne on the shores of Lake Geneva
Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 23 februari 2023
Auteur(s): Sandy Brown Reverend

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Via Francigena - Part 1 - Canterbury-Lausanne - Cicerone Productomschrijving: De 2000 km lange Via Francigena van Canterbury naar Rome is één van 's werelds grootste pelgrimsroutes, met een ...

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  • Uitgever: CICERONE Press
  • ISBN-13: 9781852848842
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Auteur: Sandy Brown Reverend
  • Regio: Toscane, Italië
  • Land: Italië
  • Bedevaart routes: Via Francigena Canterbury to Rome Part 1
  • Blz.: 304, 360
  • Afmeting: 12x17
  • Editie: 1
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Via Francigena - Part 1 - Canterbury-Lausanne - Cicerone

Productomschrijving: De 2000 km lange Via Francigena van Canterbury naar Rome is één van 's werelds grootste pelgrimsroutes, met een geschiedenis van meer dan een millennium. Deze gids beschrijft het eerste deel, van Canterbury naar Lausanne aan de oevers van het Meer van Genève, een reis van 1090 km door Engeland, Frankrijk en Zwitserland.


Engelse omschrijving: The 2000km Via Francigena from Canterbury to Rome is one of the world's great pilgrim routes, with a history spanning well over a millennium. This guide describes the first section, from Canterbury to Lausanne on the shores of Lake Geneva, a journey of 1090km passing through England, France and Switzerland.

The route is suitable for walkers of all levels of ability, and the section from Canterbury to Besançon is also suitable for cyclists (mountain or hybrid/gravel bike). There are various options for accommodation, ranging from hotels and B&Bs to camping (although it is not essential to carry a tent), and the French section offers a unique opportunity to lodge with host families in welcoming chambres d'hôtes. The guide has all the information you need to plan and prepare for a journey on the Via Francigena. You'll find a wealth of detail about facilities on route and accommodation, as well as tips on training, kit, travel and pilgrim credentials.

The route is presented in 52 stages of 11 to 39.5km, although the clear presentation of facilities and intermediary distances makes it easy to customise your own itinerary. There are also notes on interesting features passed and local points of interest. Beginning in historic Canterbury, England, with a gentle walk to the White Cliffs of Dover, the Via Francigena crosses the English Channel before turning inland to the rolling French countryside, site of WWI battlefields and charming French villages and towns. After visiting two of France's most beautiful medieval cathedrals, it passes through forests to the hilltop fortress of Langres. Besançon offers al-fresco dining in the city's historic plazas before the route continues, following the Loue River to its mountainous source. The unforgettable Gorge de l'Orbe of the Jura Mountains in Switzerland leads to the section's finish-point on the shores of Lake Geneva in beautiful, cosmopolitan Lausanne. Celebrating the diversity of the countries through which it passes and offering an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in Europe's beautiful landscapes and experience their culture, this is truly an international journey that will linger long in memory.

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