Wandelgids The Offa's Dyke Path - England & Wales - Cicerone

283 km tussen Sedbury (bij Chepstow) en Prestatyn
Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 14 maart 2016
Auteur(s): Mike Dunn

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Wandelgids The Offa's Dyke Path - Wales - Cicerone Productomschrijving: Deze gids beschrijft het Offa's Dyke Path National Trail, een langeafstandswandeling van 283 km langs de Engels-Welshe...

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€ 22,95
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  • Uitgever: CICERONE Press
  • ISBN-13: 9781852847760
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Auteur: Mike Dunn
  • Regio: Gloucestershire, Egland, Herefordshire, England, Shropshire West Midlands
  • Land: England, Wales
  • Lange afstand wandelroutes: Offa's Dyke Path (285 km)
  • Blz.: 192
  • Schaal: 1:25000
  • Afmeting: 12x17
  • Editie: 1
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Wandelgids The Offa's Dyke Path - Wales - Cicerone

Productomschrijving: Deze gids beschrijft het Offa's Dyke Path National Trail, een langeafstandswandeling van 283 km langs de Engels-Welshe grens tussen Sedbury (bij Chepstow) en Prestatyn. De gids is opgedeeld in 12 etappes met suggesties voor het plannen van alternatieve routes. Met 1:25K OSI (Ordnance Servey) kaart boekje.

Engelse omschrijving: This guidebook describes Offa's Dyke Path National Trail, a 177 mile (283km) long-distance walk along the English and Welsh border between Sedbury (near Chepstow) and Prestatyn. The guidebook is split into 12 stages with suggestions for planning alternative itineraries. With 1:25K OS map booklet.

This walk is exceptional in all seasons, though the Black Mountains and Clwydian range deserve respect in winter conditions, and especially in mist, since there are few landmarks on the Black Mountain ridge.
Chepstow, Hay-on-Wye, Kington, Bishops Castle, Montgomery, Welshpool, Oswestry, Llangollen, Denbigh, Prestatyn.
The trail includes a couple of unavoidably long stages and there are some mountain and moorland stages, but the route poses no special difficulties and caters for walkers of all levels of ability provided that sensible advance planning is undertaken.
Must See:
Geology - limestone gorge of the lower Wye, igneous intrusions around Hergest ridge, Breidden Hills dolerite, limestone escarpments north of Llangollen Uplands - Black Mountain moorlands, remote Clun Forest, Clwydian ridge Lowlands - orchards and meadows, Montgomery canal, broad Severn valley Historical attractions - Tintern abbey and Llanthony priory, border castles, Pontcysyllte aqueduct.


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