Wandelgids The Cape Wrath trail - Cicerone

through the Scottish Highlands from Fort William to Cape Wrath
Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 2 juni 2022
Auteur(s): Lain Harper

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Cape Wrath trail - Fort William to Cape Wrath - Cicerone Productomschrijving:  Een gids voor de Cape Wrath Trail, een lange afstandstocht door de Schotse Hooglanden van Fort William naar Cap...

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  • Uitgever: CICERONE Press
  • ISBN-13: 9781786311344
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Auteur: Lain Harper
  • Regio: Highlands, Schotland
  • Land: Schotland
  • Lange afstand wandelroutes: Cape Wrath trail (370km)
  • Blz.: 176
  • Afmeting: 12x17
  • Editie: 4
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Cape Wrath trail - Fort William to Cape Wrath - Cicerone

Productomschrijving:  Een gids voor de Cape Wrath Trail, een lange afstandstocht door de Schotse Hooglanden van Fort William naar Cape Wrath. De Cape Wrath Trail is een 370 km lange, 3 weken durende uitdaging door wilde en prachtige landschappen, zoals Morar, Knoydart, Torridon en Assynt. Het doorkruist zo'n leeg land, het is alleen voor de ervaren backpacker.

Engelse omschrijving: A guidebook to the Cape Wrath Trail, a long-distance trek through the Scottish Highlands from Fort William to Cape Wrath. The Cape Wrath Trail is a 230 mile, 3-week challenge through wild and magnificent landscapes, such as Morar, Knoydart, Torridon and Assynt. Crossing such empty country, it is for the experienced backpacker only.

April, May and June are ideal months to walk the trail. September and October are also good, but there may be diversions due to deer stalking and military operations at the cape. In July and August the days are superbly long and the weather can be fine, but midges will be in full flight. The limited accommodation along the trail may also be booked up at this time of year.
Fort William, Glenfinnan, Barisdale, Kinloch Hourn, Shiel Bridge, Strathcarron, Kinlochewe, Dundonnell, Ullapool, Bridge of Orchy, Inchnadamph, Kylesku, Rhiconich, Kinlochbervie, Durness.
The Cape Wrath Trail is regarded as the toughest long distance backpacking trail in Britain. It crosses remote, sparsely populated, potentially dangerous mountain country. There are no pack carrying services and often no clear paths. Limited re-supply points require self sufficiency for many days together. Not a route for beginners or those unfamiliar with remote, rugged mountain areas.
Must See:
Glenfinnan monument and viaduct, the gloriously remote rough bounds of Knoydart, Barisdale, Forcan ridge, Falls of Glomach, Beinn Eighe, Lochan Fada, Shenavall, An Teallach, Glen Douchary, Glen Oykel, Ben More, Glencoul, Arkle, Foinaven, Sandwood Bay, Cape Wrath lighthouse.

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