Wandelgids Southern Upland Way - Cicerone

Portpatrick aan de westkust tot Cockburnspath in het oosten
Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 12 juli 2018
Auteur(s): Alan Castle, Ronald Turnbull

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Southern Upland Way Schotland - Cicerone Productomschrijving: Gids over de beroemde Schotse Southern Upland Way, een kust-tot-kust wandeling door Galloway en de Schotse Borders. De 347 km la...

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€ 18,95
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  • Uitgever: CICERONE Press
  • ISBN-13: 9781852849931
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Auteur: Alan Castle, Ronald Turnbull
  • Regio: Schotse grenzen
  • Land: Schotland
  • Lange afstand wandelroutes: The Southern Upland Way, Schotland (338 km)
  • Blz.: 192
  • Afmeting: 12x17
  • Editie: 2
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Southern Upland Way Schotland - Cicerone

Productomschrijving: Gids over de beroemde Schotse Southern Upland Way, een kust-tot-kust wandeling door Galloway en de Schotse Borders. De 347 km lange route is een van de Great Trails van Schotland en verbindt Portpatrick aan de westkust met Cockburnspath in het oosten, door afwisselende landschappen en met een rijk natuurlijk en historisch belang. De tocht kan in ongeveer twee weken worden afgelegd.

Engelse omschrijving: Guidebook to the Southern Upland Way, a coast to coast walk through Galloway and the Scottish Borders. One of Scotland's Great Trails, the 347km (215 mile) route links Portpatrick on the west coast to Cockburnspath on the east, through diverse landscapes and rich natural and historical interest. It can be completed in around a fortnight.

April to September, with May and June the best months of all.
Portpatrick, Castle Kennedy, New Luce, Bargrennan, St John's Town of Dalry, Sanquhar, Wanlockhead, Beattock/Moffat, Traquair, Galashiels, Melrose, Lauder, Longformacus, Abbey St Bathans, Cockburnspath.
The route is waymarked throughout, and paths are mostly good, but much of the hill country is remote and little frequented and in places the path is faint. Self-reliance and some navigation skills are required. For backpackers, the route has 5 bothies and unlimited wild camping possibilities. For walkers, maximum daily stages of up to 19 miles (30km) are assured by using vehicle pick-up services, as detailed in the book.
Must See:
Portpatrick coast path; Loch Trool; Lowther Hills; Minch Moor drove road; Lammermuir Hills; new official high-level route through the Ettrick Hills; Castle Kennedy Gardens; Wanlockhead Lead Mines; Melrose Abbey; Thirlstane Castle.

The route:
Stage 1 Portpatrick to Castle Kennedy
Stage 2 Castle Kennedy to New Luce
Stage 3 New Luce to Bargrennan
Stage 4 Bargrennan to the Glenkens
Stage 5 Across the Glenkens
Stage 6 The Glenkens to Sanquhar
Stage 7 Sanquhar to Dalveen Pass
Stage 8 Dalveen Pass to Beattock (Moffat)
Rest day – Moffat and environs
Stage 9 Beattock (Moffat) to Ettrick
Stage 10 Ettrick to Traquair (Innerleithen)
Stage 11 Traquair (Innerleithen) to Melrose
Stage 12 Melrose to Lauder
Stage 13 Lauder across the Lammermuir Hills to Longformacus
Stage 14 Longformacus to Cockburnspath

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