Wandelgids Scottish Highlands & Islands Wild country backpacking
Een wel heel aparte Schotse Highland gids met 30 routes
Korte omschrijving
Scottish Highlands & Islands Wild country backpacking Productomschrijving: 30 wilde en uitdagende rugzak-/trekkingroutes in Schotland. De routes zijn bedoeld voor ervaren en zelfredzame back...
- Uitgever: CICERONE Press
- ISBN-13: 9781852849047
- Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
- Regio: Northern Schotland, Highlands & Islands
- Land: Schotland
- Blz.: 208, 256
- Afmeting: 12x17
- Editie: 1
- Taal: Engels
Volledige omschrijving
Scottish Highlands & Islands Wild country backpacking
Productomschrijving: 30 wilde en uitdagende rugzak-/trekkingroutes in Schotland. De routes zijn bedoeld voor ervaren en zelfredzame backpackers en zijn tussen 2 en 4 dagen lang en doorkruisen de meest afgelegen, wilde en spectaculaire landschappen die de Highlands te bieden hebben. Het boek behandelt ook uitrusting, toegang, het weer, veiligheid en eerste hulp.
Omvat: Fort William, Kingussie, Achnashellach, Dalwhinnie, Amhuinnsuidhe, Kinlochbervie, Kylesku, Killilan, Tomintoul, Blair Atholl, Brèinis, Kinuachdrachd, Kinloch, Sligachan, Morvich and Crask.
Engelse omschrijving: Stunning backpacking routes in the Scottish Highlands and Islands are covered in this inspiring, large-format guidebook. 30 routes are described, ranging from 1-4 days, with most suitable for a long weekend. The routes are divided between the Western Highlands and Inner Hebrides, the Central and Eastern Highlands, the Northwest Highlands, the Far North and the Outer Hebrides. They are suitable for those with the experience and self-reliance to navigate proficiently and stay safe in an environment which can easily become inhospitable. Although some routes visit bothies, most call for at least one night's wild camping.
Each walk includes overview data, route description and 1:100,000 mapping and they are illustrated with stunning photos. An introduction offers background information about the Highlands' rich geology, plants and wildlife and the historical and cultural context of Scotland's 'wilderness'. There is also practical information on preparing for an incursion and advice for those looking to expand their experience of wild-country backpacking.
The Highlands and Islands of Scotland are home to the most ruggedly beautiful, expansive and challenging backpacking country in the British Isles. This is a land for those who love open spaces, vast horizons, and the domination of nature.
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