Wandelgids Pembrokeshire Coast Path - Trailblazer Publ.

299 km Rond de prachtige kustlijn van het Pembrokeshire Coast
Door: Trailblazer Publications – Gepubliceerd: 15 mei 2021
Auteur(s): Henry Stedman, Jim Manthorpe

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Korte omschrijving

Pembrokeshire Coast Path - Trailblazer Productomschrijving: Amroth tot Cardigan - Het Pembrokeshire Coast Path, volgt een Nationaal Pad over 186 mijl (299 km) rond de prachtige kustlijn van ...

Beschikbaarheid: Binnen 6-10 werkdagen
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Trailblazer Publications
€ 18,95
incl. BTW


  • Uitgever: Trailblazer Publications
  • ISBN-13: 9781912716135
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Auteur: Henry Stedman, Jim Manthorpe
  • Regio: Pembrokeshire, Wales, South-West Wales
  • Land: Wales
  • Lange afstand wandelroutes: Pembrokeshire Coast Path National Trail (299 km)
  • Nationale parken: Pembrokeshire Coast NP, Wales
  • Blz.: 236
  • Afmeting: 12x18
  • Editie: 6
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Pembrokeshire Coast Path - Trailblazer

Productomschrijving: Amroth tot CardiganHet Pembrokeshire Coast Path, volgt een Nationaal Pad over 186 mijl (299 km) rond de prachtige kustlijn van het Pembrokeshire Coast National Park in het zuidwesten van Wales. Bekend om zijn ongerepte zandstranden, afgelegen baaien, kleine vissersdorpjes en eilanden rijk aan vogels en zeeleven, biedt dit nationale pad enkele van de beste kustwandelingen in Groot-Brittannië.Planning - Plaatsen om te overnachten - Plaatsen om te eten

Engelse omschrijving: The Pembrokeshire Coast Path follows a National Trail for 186 miles (299km) around the magnificent coastline of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park in south-west WalesRenowned for its unspoilt sandy beaches, secluded coves, tiny fishing villages and off-shore islands rich in bird and marine life, this National Trail provides some of the best coastal walking in Britain.Planning – Places to stay – Places to eat

236 pages
96 trail maps & 15 town plans
60 colour photos; 4pp colour flower guide
14 stage maps and 2 overview maps

1. Unique mapping features – In many walking guides the reader has to read a route description then try to relate it to the map. Our guides are easier to use because walking directions, tricky junctions, places to stay and eat, points of interest and walking times are all written onto the maps themselves in the places to which they apply. With their uncluttered clarity, these are not general-purpose maps but fullyedited maps drawn by walkers for walkers. Downloadable GPS waypoints also included.
2. The largest scale walking maps available – At just under 1:20,000 (8cm or 31/8 inches to 1 mile) our maps are bigger than even the most detailed walking maps currently available in the shops.
3. An all-in-one guide – Trailblazer guides include practical information not usually found in walking guides to the UK: reviews of places to stay, places to eat, attractions along the way and detailed public transport information showing all access points on the path, for weekend and day walkers.

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