Wandelgids Julian Alps of Slovenia - Cicerone

Vijf basissen - Kranjska Gora- Bovec- Kobarid- Bled & Bohinj
Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 5 mei 2015
Auteur(s): Justi Carey, Roy Clark

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Wandelgids - Julian Alps of Slovenia - Cicerone Productomschrijving; Deze gids beschrijft 58 wandelingen in de Julische Alpen van Slovenië. De wandelingen worden georganiseerd rond vijf basi...

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  • Uitgever: CICERONE Press
  • ISBN-13: 9781852847098
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Auteur: Justi Carey, Roy Clark
  • Regio: Julische Alpen, Slovenië
  • Land: Slovenië
  • Blz.: 352
  • Afmeting: 12x17
  • Editie: 2
  • Taal: Engels

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Wandelgids - Julian Alps of Slovenia - Cicerone

Productomschrijving; Deze gids beschrijft 58 wandelingen in de Julische Alpen van Slovenië. De wandelingen worden georganiseerd rond vijf basissen - Kranjska Gora, Bovec, Kobarid, Bled en Bohinj. De routes in de Julische Alpen variëren van eenvoudig valleiwandelingen tot ruwere bospaden van hoge bergbeschermde routes, waaronder Triglav op 2864m, en meerdaagse tochten.

Product description: Guidebook describing 58 walks in the Julian Alps of Slovenia. The walks are organized around five bases - Kranjska Gora, Bovec, Kobarid, Bled and Bohinj. The routes in the Julian Alps range from easy valley walks and rougher forest trails to high-mountain protected routes, including Triglav at 2864m, and multi-day treks.

Early summer to autumn - late May/June to the end of September and early October in good years.
The routes are described from five bases, all of which have tourist infrastructure: Kranjska Gora, Bohinj, Bovec, Bled and Kobarid.
Some routes are valley walks, which almost anyone can do, while others are high mountain routes requiring mountaineering experience and a head for heights. Peaks are snow-free by early July in normal summers so ice-axe and crampons are not usually needed, and difficult sections are mostly covered by via ferrata style protection. Self-belaying (via ferrata) kit and a helmet are recommended. The book has a grading system from 1 (easy) to 4 (serious).
Must See Must SeeThe Julian Alps - Triglav, Jalovec, Mangrt, the Triglav lakes, the lower Bohinj mountains, Špik, Škrlatica, Krn; Lake Bled, Lake Bohinj and their surroundings; World War I mountain battlefields of the Soca front; the Vršic pass; limestone formations, alpine flowers.


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