Wandelgids Hong Kong Hiking - Cicerone

Wilson- Maclehose and Lantau Trails
Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 17 januari 2023
Auteur(s): Andrew Mok, Simon Whitmarsh

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Hong Kong Hiking - Cicerone Productomschrijving: De meerdaagse Wilson, MacLehose, Hong Kong en Lantau Trails en 25 dagwandelingen (van gemakkelijk tot uitdagend) over de fascinerend diverse ...

Beschikbaarheid: Binnen 6-10 werkdagen
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€ 21,95
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  • Uitgever: CICERONE Press
  • ISBN-13: 9781786310514
  • Activiteiten: Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Auteur: Andrew Mok, Simon Whitmarsh
  • Regio: Hong Kong, China
  • Land: China
  • Blz.: 264
  • Afmeting: 12x17
  • Editie: 1
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Hong Kong Hiking - Cicerone

Productomschrijving: De meerdaagse Wilson, MacLehose, Hong Kong en Lantau Trails en 25 dagwandelingen (van gemakkelijk tot uitdagend) over de fascinerend diverse archipel van Hong Kong, inclusief Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, de New Territories en de eilanden. Met aantekeningen over planten, fauna en geologie (inclusief het op de UNESCO-lijst opgenomen geopark) en informatie over het openbaar vervoer.


Engelse omschrijving: The multi-day Wilson, MacLehose, Hong Kong and Lantau Trails and 25 day walks (from easy to challenging) on the fascinatingly diverse Hong Kong archipelago, including Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories and the islands. With notes on plants, wildlife and geology (including the UNESCO-listed geopark) and public transport information.

Hong Kong has a humid subtropical climate with mild winters and hot sticky summers. The best conditions for hiking can be found from October to December, with breezes and plenty of sunshine and little rain or humidity. January and February also offer favourable temperatures, and wildflowers bloom in March and April, although the weather is more humid during these months. From May to September, it is likely to be too hot for walking unless you choose a well-shaded route.
Routes cover Hong Kong, Kowloon, the New Territories, Lantau Island and the smaller islands
Walks are graded by difficulty and range from Easy (walks on good paths with limited ascent and no navigational difficulty) to Challenging (long walks with considerable ascent that may include more difficult navigation, pathless terrain and some easy scrambling). Day walks are spread fairly evenly between the four grades but each of the treks involves stages graded Difficult or Challenging.
Must See:
The award-winning Dragon's Back and MacLehose Trail, Tai Mo Shan, Hong Kong's highest peak, Lion Rock, Tian Tan Big Buddha, Pat Sin Leng ridge, Victoria Peak, fine beaches, wildlife-spotting opportunities.


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