Reisgids Tasmania Experience - Lonely Planet

Hobart- Tasman Peninsula- Port Arthur- The Southeast- Midlands
Door: Lonely Planet Publications – Gepubliceerd: 11 november 2022
Auteur(s): Andrew Bain, Rani Milne, Ruth Dawkins

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Korte omschrijving

Reisgids Tasmania Experience - Lonely Planet Productomschrijving: Tasmanië is een ongerept eiland vol wonderen en adembenemende bergen, stranden en wilde dieren. Omvat: Hobart, the Tasma...

Beschikbaarheid: Binnen 6-10 werkdagen
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Lonely Planet Publications
€ 24,95
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  • Uitgever: Lonely Planet Publications
  • ISBN-13: 9781838695637
  • Auteur: Andrew Bain, Rani Milne, Ruth Dawkins
  • Regio: Tasmania
  • Land: Australië
  • Blz.: 258
  • Afmeting: 13x20
  • Editie: 1
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Reisgids Tasmania Experience - Lonely Planet

Productomschrijving: Tasmanië is een ongerept eiland vol wonderen en adembenemende bergen, stranden en wilde dieren.

Omvat: Hobart, the Tasman Peninsula, Port Arthur, the Southeast, Midlands, the Highlands, Bay of Fires, the East Coast, Launceston, Tamar Valley, Devonport, the Northwest, Cradle Country.


Engelse omschrijving: Tasmania is a pristine island full of wonder and breathtaking mountains, beaches and wildlife.

Inside Lonely Planet's Experience Tasmania:

- Unique experiences to string together an unforgettable trip Inspiring full-colour travel photography and maps throughout
- Highlights and trip builders to help tailor a trip to your personal needs and interests
- Fresh perspectives to surprise you with things you hadn't thought of, as well as fresh takes on the well-known sights
- Insider tips help you discover hidden gems and get around like a local
- Expert insights take you to the heart of the place - food, wildlife, hiking, cycling, history, cultural attractions, breweries & distilleries
- Practical info and tips on money, getting around, unique and local ways to stay, and responsible travel


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