Reisgids Tanzania & Zanzibar - Insight guides ENG

Alles wat u nodig heeft om uw perfecte reis te plannen
Door: APA publications – Gepubliceerd: 1 februari 2022

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Reisgids Tanzania & Zanzibar - Insight guides Productomschrijving: Deze gids voor Tanzania & Zanzibar is alles wat u nodig heeft om uw perfecte reis te plannen, van beslissen wanneer u gaat ...

Beschikbaarheid: Binnen 6-10 werkdagen
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APA publications
€ 21,95
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  • Uitgever: APA publications
  • ISBN-13: 9781839050527
  • Activiteiten: Toerisme
  • Land: Tanzania
  • Blz.: 280
  • Afmeting: 15x20
  • Editie: 4
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Reisgids Tanzania & Zanzibar - Insight guides

Productomschrijving: Deze gids voor Tanzania & Zanzibar is alles wat u nodig heeft om uw perfecte reis te plannen, van beslissen wanneer u gaat tot kiezen wat u gaat zien wanneer u aankomt, met insiderinformatie over must-see topattracties zoals Mount Kilimanjaro, het Serengeti National Park en Lake Natron, en culturele juweeltjes zoals genieten van de relaxte Swahili-sfeer in Stone Town, chimpansees opsporen in Mahale Mountains National Park en ontspannen op de verbluffende witte zandstranden langs de oostkust van Zanzibar.

Omvat: Dar es Salaam, the north coast and Usambara, Arusha and Kilimanjaro, the northern safari circuit, western and central Tanzania, southern parks and Tanzam Highway, Mbeya and Lake Nyasa, the south coast, Zanzibar and Pemba.


Engelse omschrijving: From deciding when to go, to choosing what to see when you arrive, this guide to Tanzania and Zanzibar is all you need to plan your perfect trip, with insider information on must-see, top attractions like Mount Kilimanjaro, the Serengeti National Park and Lake Natron, and cultural gems like soaking in the laid-back Swahili atmosphere in Stone Town, chimp tracking in Mahale Mountains National Park and relaxing on the stunning white-sand beaches along the east coast of Zanzibar.

Features of this travel guide to Tanzania and Zanzibar:
- Inspirational colour photography: discover the best destinations, sights and excursions, and be inspired by stunning imagery
- Historical and cultural insights: immerse yourself in Tanzania and Zanzibar's rich history and culture, and learn all about its people, art and traditions
- Practical full-colour maps: with every major sight and listing highlighted, the full-colour maps make on-the-ground navigation easy
- Editor's Choice: uncover the best of Tanzania and Zanzibar with our pick of the region's top destinations
- Key tips and essential information: packed full of important travel information, from transport and tipping to etiquette and hours of operation
- The ultimate travel tool: download the eBook to access this from your phone or tablet

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