Reisgids Senegal - Bradt Travel guides

Beleef Senegal op uw eigen manier
Door: Bradt guides – Gepubliceerd: 1 februari 2019
Auteur(s): Sean Connolly

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Reisgids Senegal - Bradt guides Productomschrijving: Deze nieuwe, grondig bijgewerkte editie van Bradt's Senegal biedt nog steeds verreweg de grootste diepgang voor dit steeds populairder wo...

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Bradt guides
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  • Uitgever: Bradt guides
  • ISBN-13: 9781784776206
  • Activiteiten: Toerisme
  • Auteur: Sean Connolly
  • Regio: Senegal, Afrika
  • Land: Senegal
  • Blz.: 382
  • Afmeting: 14x22
  • Editie: 2
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Reisgids Senegal - Bradt guides

Productomschrijving: Deze nieuwe, grondig bijgewerkte editie van Bradt's Senegal biedt nog steeds verreweg de grootste diepgang voor dit steeds populairder wordende deel van West-Afrika. Met meer dan 350 pagina's gedetailleerde beschrijving en meer dan 40 kaarten blijft dit de definitieve bron van informatie voor een land dat vaak wordt beschreven als heel West-Afrika in microkosmos.

Deze nieuwe editie bevat details over de snel veranderende vervoerssituatie, met name de opening van de nieuwe internationale luchthaven en de eerste brug over de Gambia-rivier. Alle regio's van het land komen aan bod, inclusief gedetailleerde informatie over de toegang tot de nationale parken van Senegal, met gedetailleerde kaarten, reisroutes, en praktische informatie over vervoer, accommodatie en eten voor elke regio.


Engelse omschrijving: This new, thoroughly updated edition of Bradt's Senegal continues to offer far and away the greatest depth of coverage for this increasingly popular part of West Africa. With over 350 pages of detailed description and over 40 maps, this remains the definitive source of information to a country that is often described as the whole of West Africa in microcosm.

This new edition includes details of the rapidly changing transport situation, notably the opening of the new international airport and the first bridge to span the Gambia River. All regions of the country are covered, including detailed information on access to Senegal's national parks, with detailed maps, itineraries, and practical information on transport, accommodation and eating for each region.

Senegal boasts a variety of landscapes and cultures that belie its compact size. Northern desert wilds give way to the rain-soaked Casamance, fringed by hundreds of kilometres of pristine beaches and the fantastically frenetic capital city, Dakar, surrounded by ocean and proudly perched at the westernmost point on the African continent. This smorgasbord of landscapes is all accessible within a day's travel, making Senegal the perfect choice for anyone looking to sink their teeth into West Africa, for the first time or the hundredth.

Natural assets aside, Senegal is home to a world of man-made delectations: Dakar's nightclubs throb well into the morning hours and offer a rare chance to dance yourself silly with superstar musicians on their home turf. With one of Africa's most prolific arts scenes, Senegal attracts numerous visitors for its cultural attractions, and this book provides a thorough and accessible introduction to the music, art, film, and literature of this most creative of countries. Beyond the capital, Saint-Louis' charm is an enchanting throwback to the colonial glamour of the 19th century, and sleepy Île de Gorée is a haunting testament to colonial horror, as visitors peer through the door of no return, where thousands destined for the Americas glimpsed their homes for the final time.

With all new first-hand research, Bradt's Senegal is the only guide ready to take you to all corners of this enchanting land.

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