Reisgids Secret Rome - Jonglez Publishing

Let Secret Rome guide you around the unusual and unfamiliar
Door: Jonglez Publishing – Gepubliceerd: 15 januari 2019
Auteur(s): Adriano Morabito, Ginevra Lovatelli, Marco Gradozzi

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Secret Rome - Jonglez Publishing Productinformation: Let Secret Rome guide you around the unusual and unfamiliar. Step off the beaten track with this fascinating Rome guide book and let our ...

Beschikbaarheid: Binnen 6-10 werkdagen
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Jonglez Publishing
€ 18,95
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  • Uitgever: Jonglez Publishing
  • ISBN-13: 9782361953096
  • Activiteiten: Toerisme
  • Auteur: Adriano Morabito, Ginevra Lovatelli, Marco Gradozzi
  • Regio: Lazio, Rome Italië
  • Land: Italië
  • Blz.: 400
  • Afmeting: 11x19
  • Editie: 6
  • Taal: Engels
  • Reeks: English series, Jonglez

Volledige omschrijving

Secret Rome - Jonglez Publishing

Productinformation: Let Secret Rome guide you around the unusual and unfamiliar. Step off the beaten track with this fascinating Rome guide book and let our local experts show you the well-hidden treasures of an amazing city. Ideal for local inhabitants and curious travellers alike.

The places included in our guides are unusual and unfamiliar, allowing one to step off the beaten track. Now in it's sixth edition, Secret Rome features 170 secret and unusual locations. Inside Secret Rome :Visit places closed to the public, admire exceptional works of art away from the tourist circuit, listen to a concert in a magnificent hidden oratory, have your dog or car blessed, puzzle over a rare catoptric meridian or a wonderful anamorphic fresco, discover the remarkable motorised Rubens, enter into the secrets of the Vatican, rediscover a lost Bernini masterpiece, say a prayer before an image of the Holy Face of Jesus like that deposited on the moon in 1968, organise a dinner for two in a private palace, protect your throat from the rigorous of winter ...

Don't miss - Each chapter of this Secret Rome travel guide book corresponds to a different part of the city so that one can always find a hidden or secret place to discover. Perfectly planned walks - Make sure that you do not miss any Secret location, by discovering each one featured in this guide by planning a walking tour of each neighbourhood.

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