Reisgids Naples & the Amalfi Coast Mini Rough Guide

Naples- Campi Flegrei- Vesuvius- Herculaneum- Pompeii- Capri
Door: Rough Guides – Gepubliceerd: 1 mei 2023

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Naples & the Amalfi Coast - Mini Rough Guide Productomschrijving: Deze reisgids in zakformaat voor Napels & de Amalfikust is een handige, snelle referentiegids om te ontdekken wat er te doen...

Beschikbaarheid: Binnen 6-10 werkdagen
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Rough Guides
€ 10,95
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  • Uitgever: Rough Guides
  • ISBN-13: 9781839058370
  • Regio: Amalfitaanse kust, Italië, Apulië, Italië, Campanië, Italië
  • Land: Italië
  • Blz.: 144
  • Afmeting: 13x20
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Naples & the Amalfi Coast - Mini Rough Guide

Productomschrijving: Deze reisgids in zakformaat voor Napels & de Amalfikust is een handige, snelle referentiegids om te ontdekken wat er te doen is, wat er te zien is en hoe je je op de bestemming kunt verplaatsen. Topattracties zoals Campi Flegrei, de Blauwe Grot, de Villa's van Pompeii, het Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Piazza del Plebiscito en verborgen juweeltjes zoals Piazza San Domenico Maggiore en Castello Aragonese komen aan bod. Onze gids Napels & Amalfikust bespaart je tijd en verbetert je ontdekkingstocht door deze fascinerende regio. Deze reisgids Napels & de Amalfikust is volledig bijgewerkt post-COVID-19.

Omvat: Naples, Campi Flegrei, Vesuvius, Herculaneum, Pompeii, Capri, Ischia and Procida, Sorrento and its Peninsula, the Amalfi Coast, Paestum.


Engelse omschrijving: This pocket-sized travel guide to Naples & the Amalfi Coast is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do, what to see and how to get around the destination. It covers top attractions like Campi Flegrei, The Blue Grotto, Pompeii's Villas, the Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Piazza del Plebiscito as well as hidden gems, including Piazza San Domenico Maggiore and Castello Aragonese. Our Naples & the Amalfi Coast guide book will save you time and enhance your exploration of this fascinating region. This Naples & the Amalfi Coast travel guide has been fully updated post-COVID-19.

In this guide book to Naples & the Amalfi Coast you will find:

Experiences selected for every kind of trip to Naples & the Amalfi Coast, from cultural explorations in Herculaneum to family activities in child-friendly places, like Positano or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Villa Cimbrone in Ravello.

This Naples & the Amalfi Coast travel guide covers the destination's top ten attractions not to miss, including The Blue Grotto, Naples' Archaeological Museum, Pompeii's Villas, the Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples' Duomo and a Perfect Day itinerary suggestions.

Compact, concise, and packed with essential information, with a sharp design and colour-coded sections, this guide book to Naples & the Amalfi Coast is the perfect on-the-move companion when you're exploring Sorrento.

Includes an insightful overview of landscape, history and culture of Naples & the Amalfi Coast.

Detailed description of entertainment, shopping, nightlife, festivals and events, and children's activities.

Handy colour maps on the inside cover flaps of this travel guide to Naples & the Amalfi Coast will help you find your way around.

Practical information on eating out, including a handy glossary and detailed restaurant listings, as well as a comprehensive A-Z of travel tips on everything from getting around to health and tourist information.

Inspirational colour photography throughout.

Free eBook download with every purchase of this Naples & the Amalfi Coast guide book to access all content from your phone or tablet for on-the-road exploration.

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