Reisgids Milan secret - Jonglez Publishing

An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew Milan
Door: Jonglez Publishing – Gepubliceerd: 27 mei 2015
Auteur(s): Massimo Polidoro

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Milan secret - Jonglez Publishing Productinformation: Discover a canal lock designed by Leonardo da Vinci as well as the secrets of his Last Supper, find out where Mussolini's hidden bunker ...

Beschikbaarheid: Binnen 6-10 werkdagen
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Jonglez Publishing
€ 18,95
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  • Uitgever: Jonglez Publishing
  • ISBN-13: 9782361951252
  • Activiteiten: Toerisme
  • Auteur: Massimo Polidoro
  • Regio: Lombardije, Italië
  • Land: Italië
  • Blz.: 336
  • Afmeting: 11x19
  • Editie: 2
  • Taal: Engels
  • Reeks: English series, Jonglez

Volledige omschrijving

Milan secret - Jonglez Publishing

Productinformation: Discover a canal lock designed by Leonardo da Vinci as well as the secrets of his Last Supper, find out where Mussolini's hidden bunker lies, marry beneath frescoes by Tiepolo, visit artists' houses usually closed to the public, see exceptional private collections, admire the sculpture of a young girl shaving her pudenda, look for the boxers carved on the roof terraces of the cathedral, and so much more. Far from the crowds and the usual clich s, Milan goes unrecognized as one of the Italian cities with the greatest cultural heritage. Yet it only reveals its hidden treasures to residents and visitors who venture off the beaten track.

An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew Milan well or for those wishing to discover another facet of the city.

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