Reisgids Istria - Istria with Rijeka - Slovenian Adriatic - Bradt

Omvat deel van de Sloveens Adriatische kust - Brijuni Islands NP
Door: Bradt guides – Gepubliceerd: 23 juni 2023
Auteur(s): Rudolf Abraham, Thammy Evans

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Reisgids Istria - Istria - Slovenian Adriatic - Bradt Productomschrijving: Omvat deel van de Sloveens Adriatische kust, zoals de stad Rijeka. Deze nieuwe, grondig bijgewerkte 3e editie van B...

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Bradt guides
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  • Uitgever: Bradt guides
  • ISBN-13: 9781784779429
  • Activiteiten: Toerisme
  • Auteur: Rudolf Abraham, Thammy Evans
  • Regio: Istrië, Kroatië
  • Land: Slovenië
  • Blz.: 240
  • Afmeting: 14x22
  • Editie: 3
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Reisgids Istria - Istria - Slovenian Adriatic - Bradt

Productomschrijving: Omvat deel van de Sloveens Adriatische kust, zoals de stad Rijeka. Deze nieuwe, grondig bijgewerkte 3e editie van Bradt's Kroatië is geschreven door twee Kroatië-experts: Istrië, met Rijeka en de Sloveense Adriatische Zee blijft de enige volledige gids over dit welvarende, gevarieerde deel van voormalig Joegoslavië met gedetailleerde achtergrondinformatie en praktische informatie.

De gids richt zich op alle soorten reizigers (van natuurliefhebbers tot cultuurliefhebbers en van fijnproevers tot wijnliefhebbers) en budgetten en biedt herziene lijsten met accommodatie, restaurants en wat er te zien en te doen is.


Engelse omschrijving: Written by two Croatia experts, this new, thoroughly updated third edition of Bradt’s Croatia: Istria, with Rijeka and the Slovenian Adriatic remains the only full-length guide to this well-heeled, varied part of former Yugoslavia to include detailed background and practical information. Catering for all types of travellers (from outdoors enthusiasts to culture vultures, foodies to oenophiles) and budgets, the guide offers revised listings for accommodation, restaurants, and what to see and do.

Istria crams remarkable diversity in a conveniently compact region: it takes under an hour to drive almost anywhere on the peninsula. The region boasts some of Croatia’s most famous sites, including Pula’s spectacular Roman amphitheatre, Porec’s UNESCO-listed Byzantine mosaics (every bit as good as Italy’s Ravenna and Istanbul’s Aya Sofya), picturesque medieval hill towns (such as Motovun and Draguc) and frescoes, and the Brijuni Islands National Park. In 2020, the transport hub and carnival city of Rijeka in the Kvarner region became Croatia’s first ever European Capital of Culture.

Istria is renowned for its cuisine, particularly pasta, game, seafood and truffles (until recently Istria held the world record for the world’s largest truffle), and also produces fine wine and world-class olive oil. There is plenty of pampering on offer, too, with luxury and boutique hotels, excellent restaurants and inexpensive spa treatments. Istria makes a great base to explore nearby Capodistria on Slovenia’s coast, and karst limestone areas with beautiful and uncrowded coastal towns, castles, Lipizzaner horses and the UNESCO-listed Skocjan cave.

New or expanded coverage in this edition include advice and information on the Vivapa Valley, Slovenian wines, recently opened hotels, travelling to Istria by rail, and vegetarian or vegan restaurants. With extensive sections on trekking, cycling (including the Parenzana long-distance cycling route) and diving, plus information on windsurfing, paragliding, wreck diving (including sites such as the Coriolanus and the Baron Gautsch) and sailing, and detail on wildlife (30 species of orchid grow on Cape Kemenjak alone), numerous festivals (including celebrations of film, fish, truffles and prosciutto), music, travelling with children and ancient history, this Bradt guide provides everything you need to plan and enjoy a visit.

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