Reisgids Go Slow Northumberland - Bradt Travel guides

40 wandelingen langs stranden & Northumberland NP
Door: Bradt guides – Gepubliceerd: 26 maart 2019
Auteur(s): Gemma Hall

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Reisgids Northumberland England - Bradt Productomschrijving: Deze nieuwe, grondig bijgewerkte tweede editie van Bradt's bestseller, uitgebreide gids voor Northumberland inclusief Newcastle, ...

Beschikbaarheid: Binnen 6-10 werkdagen
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Bradt guides
€ 19,95
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  • Uitgever: Bradt guides
  • ISBN-13: 9781784776084
  • Activiteiten: Toerisme
  • Auteur: Gemma Hall
  • Regio: Northumberland, Engeland
  • Land: England
  • Nationale parken: Northumberland NP, England
  • Blz.: 320
  • Afmeting: 14x22
  • Editie: 2
  • Taal: Engels
  • Reeks: Go slow, Bradt guides

Volledige omschrijving

Reisgids Northumberland England - Bradt

Productomschrijving: Deze nieuwe, grondig bijgewerkte tweede editie van Bradt's bestseller, uitgebreide gids voor Northumberland inclusief Newcastle, Hadrian's Wall & the Coast blijft de betrouwbare bron van informatie voor het ontdekken van het uiterste noordoosten van Engeland, een gebied dat Europa's grootste beschermde nachthemel herbergt - en Engelands eerste Dark Sky Park, een uitgestrektheid van 572 vierkante mijl in Northumberland National Park.

Nu met meer dan 40 wandelingen langs stranden, over heuvels en door valleien, evenals speciale hoofdstukken over onder andere Northumberland National Park, Hadrian's Wall, de kust en Newcastle, is Bradt's Northumberland inclusief Newcastle, Hadrian's Wall & the Coast de ideale metgezel voor een geslaagd bezoek.


Engelse omschrijving: This new, thoroughly updated second edition of Bradt's best-selling, comprehensive guide to Northumberland including Newcastle, Hadrian's Wall & the Coast remains the reliable source of information for discovering the far northeast of England, an area which is home to Europe's largest area of protected night sky - and England's first Dark Sky Park, a 572-square-mile expanse in Northumberland National Park.

Now including over 40 walks along beaches, over hills and through valleys, as well as dedicated chapters on Northumberland National Park, Hadrian's Wall, the coast and Newcastle, among others, Bradt's Northumberland including Newcastle, Hadrian's Wall & the Coast is the ideal companion for a successful visit.

Northumberland is well-known for its beaches, castles, wildlife, islands and desolate upland scenery, but despite all the attention and accolades ('most tranquil county', 'darkest night skies in England', 'Best UK County/Region [Silver Award']), Northumberland remains for the most part wonderfully crowd-free. It is the ultimate place in England to get away from it all, where you can walk all afternoon over moorland and not meet anyone, skinny-dip in lakes, or picnic on pristine sands with no one else around. Northumberland is also home to Hadrian's Wall, 'the most important Roman monument in Britain' (English Heritage), while heritage enthusiasts will find a number of world firsts and unique museums such as Tanfield Railway, where you can marvel at 19th-century steam engines in the oldest engine shed in the world.

Bradt's Northumberland encourages visitors to slow down and explore the green lanes, footpaths, rivers and cycle trails that link Northumberland's 'Castle Coast' with the heather-topped hills, Roman fortresses and villages of the interior. A guide to Newcastle is found in the chapter on Tyne & Wear. Local knowledge of historic towns, heritage sites, wildlife-watching spots and countryside walks, and words and tips from local heritage experts make this an authoritative guide - and as much an entertaining armchair read as a practical guide, perfect for walkers, birdwatchers, cyclists, families, and those interested in Roman archaeology, industrial heritage and medieval castles.

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