Reisgids Go Slow Isle of Wight - Bradt Travel Guides

With 22 maps- including regional- walking and cycling maps
Door: Bradt guides – Gepubliceerd: 25 maart 2022
Auteur(s): Mark Rowe

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Korte omschrijving

Reisgids Isle of Wight - Bradt Travel Guides Productomschrijving: Deze gloednieuwe gids voor The Isle of Wight maakt deel uit van Bradt's best verkopende, bekroonde serie Go Slow reisgidsen ...

Beschikbaarheid: Binnen 6-10 werkdagen
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Bradt guides
€ 21,95
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  • Uitgever: Bradt guides
  • ISBN-13: 9781784777968
  • Activiteiten: Toerisme
  • Auteur: Mark Rowe
  • Regio: Isle of White, Engeland
  • Land: England
  • Blz.: 310
  • Afmeting: 14x22
  • Editie: 1
  • Taal: Engels
  • Reeks: Go slow, Bradt guides

Volledige omschrijving

Reisgids Isle of Wight - Bradt Travel Guides

Productomschrijving: Deze gloednieuwe gids voor The Isle of Wight maakt deel uit van Bradt's best verkopende, bekroonde serie Go Slow reisgidsen voor Britse regio's. Geschreven door expert auteur en journalist Mark Rowe, die het eiland meer dan 30 keer heeft bezocht sinds hij er voor het eerst zijn kindervakanties doorbracht, is het de perfecte metgezel om u te helpen het meeste uit uw bezoek te halen, vol met niet alleen alle praktische informatie die u nodig zou kunnen hebben, maar ook alle beschrijvende details, anekdotes en insider tips om de tijd die u er doorbrengt echt plezierig en gedenkwaardig te maken.


Engelse omschrijving: This brand new guide to the Isle of Wight forms part of Bradt’s top-selling, award-winning series of Slow travel guides to UK regions. Written by expert author and journalist Mark Rowe, who has visited the island over 30 times since first spending childhood holidays there, it is the perfect companion to help you get the most out of your visit, replete with not just all the practical information you could need, but also all the descriptive detail, anecdote and insider tips to make time spent there truly enjoyable and memorable.

The Isle of Wight is an island that is astonishingly – and unexpectedly – rich in food producers, wildlife, natural beauty, history, archaeology and dramatic landscapes. This is all the more remarkable for it being so close to the densely populated southern edges of England. At just 25 miles x 13 miles, in no other equivalent-sized area of Britain is there such a variety of landscapes (downland, estuaries, hills, saltmarshes, meadows, riverine, beach) or such a concentration of food producers (50+ independents at the last count). Here there is a real Island culture, a creative spirit that is quite quirky and independent.
Bradt’s Isle of Wight includes where to go to see red squirrels, where to hire e-bikes, where to go foraging and where is best for families.

It also covers historic and present quirks, curiosities and attractions, including Jimi Hendrix’s unusual love affair with the island, a day in the life of a ferry master, tree climbing, World War Two history, night-time wildlife, the annual walk at low tide to explore the wildlife underneath Ryde’s grand Victorian pier, the island’s award-winning wines and its dinosaur fossil-rich beaches – of which it has more than anywhere else in the UK! With 22 maps, including regional, walking and cycling maps, you’ll be well placed to navigate your way from one point of interest to another. Whatever your interest, Bradt’s Isle of Wight will help you to plan and enjoy a visit to remember.

Locatie op kaart

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