Reisgids Culture Smart! Poland - Polen - Kuperard

The essentiel guide to customs & culture
Door: Kuperard – Gepubliceerd: 1 december 2023

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Reisgids Poland - Kuperard Productomschrijving: Culture smart Poland, of Polen in het Nederlands, is een verhelderende en praktische gids over de Poolse cultuur en samenleving. Het zal je he...

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  • Uitgever: Kuperard
  • ISBN-13: 9781787023307
  • Activiteiten: Toerisme
  • Regio: Polen
  • Land: Polen
  • Blz.: 200
  • Afmeting: 11x17
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

Reisgids Poland - Kuperard

Productomschrijving: Culture smart Poland, of Polen in het Nederlands, is een verhelderende en praktische gids over de Poolse cultuur en samenleving. Het zal je helpen om van je bezoek - of het nu voor zaken is of voor je plezier - een gedenkwaardige en verrijkende ervaring te maken.

Engelse omschrijving: Culture smart Poland is an illuminating and practical guide to Polish culture and society. It will help you turn your visit - whether it's for business or for pleasure - into a memorable and enriching experience.

Contents include:
- local customs and traditions
- the impact of history, religion and politics
- the Poles at home, work and play
- eating and drinking, Polish style
- do's, don'ts and taboos
- business practices
- communication, spoken and unspoken

And many practical tips for managing the unexpected.

Don't just see the sights get to know the people. Culture Smart! guides provide travelers with vital information about the values and attitudes of the people they will meet, and practical advice on how to make the most of their time abroad. Travelers to Poland in particular, a country in transition from its Communist past, need to be open-minded and well-informed.

Today's Poland is very much a mix of the old and the new, and the two are not always in harmony. Background knowledge of the land, people, and history is crucial to understanding who the Poles are today: the Polish sense of identity has been forged by history, and the reader is introduced to the main events of Poland's turbulent past. A chapter on values and attitudes provides essential insights into this relationship-based society, and will help visitors understand why things are done the way they are.

Further chapters describe important festivals and rites of passage, as well as how Poles go about their daily social and work lives. Valuable advice is also offered on how to get along with them. The Polish people are warm and generous and place great value on personal relationships.

Show an interest in their history and an awareness of their culture, and your welcome will be warmer still.

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