National Parks of America - Lonely Planet

Bevat alle nationale parken van de Verenigde staten - 59 stuks
Door: Lonely Planet Publications – Gepubliceerd: 14 mei 2021

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Korte omschrijving

National Parks of America - Lonely Planet Productomschrijving: Om de geweldige nationale parken van Amerika te vieren, neemt Lonely Planet, 's werelds toonaangevende reisuitgever, je mee op ...

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Lonely Planet Publications
€ 28,95
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  • Uitgever: Lonely Planet Publications
  • ISBN-13: 9781838694494
  • Activiteiten: Toerisme, Wandelen, Hiking & Trekking
  • Regio: Verenigde staten van Amerika
  • Land: Verenigde Staten van Amerika (USA)
  • Blz.: 344
  • Afmeting: 27x21
  • Editie: 2
  • Taal: Engels

Volledige omschrijving

National Parks of America - Lonely Planet

Productomschrijving: Om de geweldige nationale parken van Amerika te vieren, neemt Lonely Planet, 's werelds toonaangevende reisuitgever, je mee op een informatieve en prachtige tour langs alle 59 parken met onze rijkelijk uitgegeven hardcover cadeaugids boordevol gedetailleerde routebeschrijvingen en praktische tips over wat er in elk park te doen en te zien is, zodat je alvast kunt beginnen met het plannen van je volgende avontuur.

Alle Nationale Parken zijn ook individueel te vinden op wandelkaart bij de uitgevers National Geographic.


Engelse omschrijving: To celebrate America’s amazing national parks, Lonely Planet, the world’s leading travel publisher, takes you on an informative and gorgeous tour of all 59 parks with our lavishly finished hardcover gift guide packed with detailed itineraries and practical tips on what to do and see in each park to get you started planning your next adventure.

America’s national parks are full of timeless marvels that still rejuvenate the soul: the world’s largest trees in Sequoia, its most spectacular geothermal site in Yellowstone, the grandest canyon. Perhaps the movement’s most eloquent description that is still resonates came from national parks advocate John Muir, Thousands of tired, nerve­shaken, over­civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity...’ Fortunately for the nerve­shaken, over­civilized people of then and now, President Woodrow Wilson created the National Parks Service (NPS) on August 25, 1916, though the drive to protect some of America’s most remarkable wild spaces, to be ‘used and preserved for the benefit of mankind’, began in the 1860s.

From Acadia to Zion, this beautiful introduction to America’s preserved natural treasures is packed with landscape photography, original wildlife illustrations, and practical information. You will surely be inspired to rediscover these incredible spaces and find out why they’re worth celebrating and you’ll have all the tools to plan the first of many exciting trips. This book is intended to be a practical introduction to each of America’s 59 national parks, distilled by Lonely Planet’s expert authors. We highlight the best activities and trails, explain how to get there and where to stay, show you the wildlife to watch out for, and suggest ideal itineraries. Whether you’re lucky enough to have a park on your doorstep or need to travel further, we hope that the following pages inspire you both the iconic and lesser­known gems that make up the USA’s diversely breathtaking expanses.

Coverage inludes: All 59 US National Parks.

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