Andrew McCloy

Andrew McCloy bij Bibliotrek

Andrew McCloy is a writer and journalist specialising in walking and the outdoors and has written or contributed to over 20 titles, from family and history rambles to exploring the British coast on foot. An experienced long-distance walker, he wrote the first ever guide to walking from Land’s End to John o’Groats. He’s a member of the Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild, contributes to a variety of magazines and newspapers and is also a freelance access and recreation consultant.

He was formerly Information Officer for the Ramblers’ Association and has variously worked for the Youth Hostels Association and Community Transport. Andrew is married with two daughters and lives in Derbyshire, where he is presently an elected member of the Peak District National Park Authority.

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Wandelgids The Pennine Way - Cicerone
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Wandelgids The Pennine Way - Cicerone • 9781852849245

Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 1 september 2016
Auteur(s): Andrew McCloy

Wandelgids The Pennine Way - Cicerone Press Productomschrijving: Dit boek geeft een portret van de Pennine Way (420 km), het oudste en bekendste lange afstandspad van Groot-Brittannië, en volgt zijn opmerkelijke geschiedenis aan de hand van de ervaringen van wandelaars uit heden en verleden. Terwijl Andrew McCloy de 268 mijl lange route van het Derbyshire Peak District naar de Schotse gren…

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