Aileen Evans

Aileen Evans bij Bibliotrek

Aileen Evans, now retired after a career in teaching and book production, has enjoyed a lifelong love of the outdoors. She has climbed, walked, skied and camped in many parts of Europe and North America and considers the Isle of Man a favourite which continually draws her to return.

She prefers to linger on a walk, allowing time to appreciate views, to enjoy flowers and wildlife, and delve into things of historical interest.

Aileen has always enjoyed adventure sports and sampled most, including pot-holing, wild-water canoeing and alpine mountaineering. She still particularly enjoys rock climbing and exploring new places, often on her mountain bike, away from mainstream tourist areas.

Some of Aileen's more memorable tours include cross- country ski-backpacking in France, walking across the remote interior of Iceland and a trek to Iceland's North Cape, and completing the Tour of Mont Blanc and the Alpine Pass Route.

At home in Lancashire, with her husband, Brian, and collie, Jess, she enjoys her garden, particularly the visiting birds.

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Wandelgids Lakeland short walks - Cicerone
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Wandelgids Lakeland short walks - Cicerone • 9781852842321

Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 1 januari 1996
Auteur(s): Aileen Evans

Wandelgids - Lakeland short walks - Cicerone Omvat: Routes bedekken Rydal, Grasmere, Langdale, Weinig Langdale, Coniston, Torver en het zuiden, Grizedale, Satterthwaite, het Rusland Vallei e.a. Productomschrijving: Een gids van korte wandelingen in het zuiden van het engelse Lake District, het VK, de tweede van deze drie-delige  lake landserie. Routes bedekken Rydal, Grasmere, Langdale…

Wandelgids Isle of Man - coastal path - Cicerone
€ 16,95
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Wandelgids Isle of Man - coastal path - Cicerone • 9781852848798

Door: CICERONE Press – Gepubliceerd: 13 april 2018
Auteur(s): Aileen Evans

Wandelgids Isle of Man - Cicerone Productomschrijving: Raad ny Foillan - The way of the Gull & the Milennium and Herring Ways - Gids voor het aflopen van het kustpad van het eiland Man, de Way of the Gull (Raad ny Foillan). De spectaculaire route van 98 mijl wordt beschreven in 9 etappes en voert langs stranden, valleien, heidevelden en ruige zeekliffen. De route kan in ongeveer een week w…

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